Privacy Policy is the website of the Greater Springfield Dental Association. The GSDS respects the privacy of our members and other users of our website. This Privacy Policy addresses our use of information about you collected by virtue of your use of

You may contact us about this Privacy Policy
1717 E. Republic Rd., Ste. A
Springfield, MO 65804

Information we may collect about you
The Greater Springfield Dental Association is committed to protecting the privacy of members and visitors to our web site.

When you to register for events, order products, and make requests for information, the collected information (which may include name, address, email address, phone number, credit card information, etc.) used to complete the transaction is not shared with outside parties except to the extent necessary to complete the transaction.

All data submitted via online forms is kept strictly confidential.

With respect to your email address
We have instituted stringent reviews and opt-out capabilities to ensure that you do not receive unwanted email from the GSDS. We will not give or sell your email address to any entity outside the GSDS, its subsidiaries and affiliated entities (such as local dental societies).

With respect to other websites and servers
The GSDS website contains links to other websites. We have no control over and take no responsibility for the privacy practices or content of those sites.

The GSDS does not partner with or have special relationships with ad server companies.

We welcome your comments or questions about our Privacy Policy and privacy practices. If you feel that this site is not following its stated policy, please contact us at